Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm PDT
Your schools rely on online tools for instruction, operations, business management, and everything in between. But, do you know what’s really going on in these systems? Are you sure!?

If you’re like most K12 techs, you don’t have free time on your hands to proactively investigate abnormal or risky online behaviors. Nor do you have the tools that provide you the visibility and control you need to do anything about it. You’re stuck with reacting to incidents after they become a big enough problem to be noticed. Surely, there has to be a better way.

In this popular, interactive session we pull from our experience performing thousands of cybersecurity and safety audits with districts to bring you the top eight investigations that will result in the greatest impact for your district.

These investigations include auditing the 3rd party apps that have access to information in your domain, detecting suspicious login activity that could indicate a compromised account, protecting sensitive personal and financial data from leaks and loss, evaluating URLs that need to be added to your blocked list, investigating student safety risks in school-provided tools and online, and more.

Investigations to audit your online environment don’t have to be complicated or time-intensive. You will learn why these investigations are impactful for the majority of your peers and how to conduct them effectively.
Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm PDT

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